Manage Physicians

1 In the menu bar, click Order Entry, choose the appropriate lab and client, and then click the Physician link.


The Order Entry menu appears only if you can place orders with your current lab.

For more information about choosing a client, see step 4 in Initiate an Order.

If the Check-In Queue page appears when you click Order Entry, click Order Entry on that page, and then choose the appropriate lab and client, and click the Physician link.

2 Do one or more of the following:

Add a physician:

a In the NPI box, type the physician’s NPI.

The NPI must be a valid 10-digit number. If you type an NPI and press Tab, and the physician already exists in eLabs, the physician’s UPIN (if any) and name appear automatically in the UPIN and Physician Name boxes, along with a PECOS indicator if they are enrolled or their enrollment is pending, and the physician’s state and zip code; go to step d.

b (Optional) In the UPIN box, type the physician’s UPIN.

If you type a UPIN and press Tab, and the physician already exists in eLabs, the physician’s NPI and name appear automatically in the NPI box and Physician Name box, along with the physician’s state and zip code; go to step d.

c If the physician’s name did not appear automatically when you typed the NPI or UPIN, or if the displayed name is not correct, type the physician’s name (LastName,FirstName) in the Physician Name box.

If the specified name already appears in the list, a message appears. You must either type a different name, or remove the duplicate physician from the list (as described in the next section) and try again.

d Click Add.

Remove a physician. Do one or more of the following:

To remove one or more physicians, select the check box next to each physician’s name, and then click Remove.

To remove all of the physicians, select the check box at the top of the column, and then click Remove.

To remove all physicians who have not placed orders within the last 60 days, click Purge Inactive Physicians.

3 Click Close.