Manage Standing Orders for a Specific Client or Facility
1 From the menu bar, click Utilities > Standing Order Management.
If you are accessing an IOP facility, you can also click the Standing Orders to be Renewed link in the Quick View area on the Home page.
• The Utilities menu does not appear for contracted phlebotomists. For PSC employees and IOPs, it might not appear for some labs.
• The number on the Home page reflects the number of standing orders for all of the clients that you can access that are scheduled to expire within the next 30 days. Additional standing orders might be available.
• The Requisitions menu appears only if you can place orders with the current lab.
• You can access generic standing orders only if the Include Generic (Held, Scheduled, Standing) check box is selected in your user profile.
• Some labs do not support the capability to print or fax standing order renewal letters. For those labs, the link on the Home page and the Standing Order Management menu item do not appear. For information about expiring or renewing a standing order for a specific patient, see Manage Standing Orders for a Specific Patient.
• To clear all your changes on the page at any time, click Reset.
• To use the legacy Standing Order Management page, click the Go to Legacy Standing Order Management link at the bottom of the page. Online help is not available for that page.
2 Do one of the following:
• To manage standing orders for a facility other than your current one, click the appropriate one in the Facility list.
• To manage standing orders for a specific client, type the client number in the Client box.
If you type a client number and press Tab, the Facility list is automatically cleared (that is, it displays Select One). If you subsequently choose a facility, the Client box is automatically cleared.
3 To retrieve Companion Diagnostics standing orders, select the appropriate item from the Companion Program list.
Note: The Companion Program list appears only if the lab supports Companion Diagnostics, and only if at least one active program is associated with the selected client or facility.
4 In the Expiration Timeframe area, do either or both of the following:
• To view active standing orders that are going to expire within a particular time frame, select the Show Standing Orders That Will Expire check box.
• To view inactive standing orders that previously expired within a particular time frame, select the Show Standing Orders That Expired check box.
For non-Companion Diagnostics standing orders, click the appropriate number of days in the list. For Companion Diagnostics standing orders, type the date in the box or click the date on the calendar.
Tip: For Companion Diagnostics standing orders, you can use any of the following shortcuts to specify the date:
• Type t for today’s date.
• Type y for yesterday’s date.
• Type t- # (where # is the number of days prior to today). For example, type t-7 to specify one week prior to today.
• Type t+ # (where # is the number of days after today). For example, type t+14 to specify the date 14 days from today.
5 Do one of the following:
• To view all standing orders, click the Show All Standing Orders option button.
• To view only those standing orders for which the Queue Renewal Letter check box is selected, click the Show Only Standing Orders Marked as Queued to Print/Fax option button.
• To view only those standing orders for which the Queue Renewal Letter check box is cleared, click the Show Only Standing Orders Not Marked as Queued to Print/Fax option button.
Note: Even if you click the Show Only Standing Orders Marked as Queued to Print/Fax option button, standing orders for which the Queue Renewal Letter check box is selected will not be displayed if the renewal letter was previously printed or faxed. To ensure that those standing orders appear as well, you must select the Include Renewed Orders and Orders with Previously Printed/Faxed Letters check box.
6 Do one or more of the following:
• To include standing orders that were renewed or for which a renewal letter was printed or faxed, select the Include Renewed Orders and Orders with Previously Printed/Faxed Letters check box.
If you clear this check box, the list will include only standing orders that have never been renewed or for which renewal letters have not been previously printed or faxed.
• To view only those standing orders for which the Home Draw check box is selected, select the Show Only Home Draw Standing Orders check box.
If you clear this check box, the list will include both regular standing orders and home draw standing orders.
Note: This check box appears only if you are allowed to place home draw orders.
7 Click Search.
If you searched by facility, the orders are grouped by client. The client name and number appear in a row above all of the standing orders associated with that client.
If any standing order included any alternate order codes, they are automatically replaced with primary codes. In addition, if a particular test is no longer being performed by the lab or if the order code is otherwise invalid, the phrase (inactive) appears in red after the order code.
• The navigation area displays the total number of standing orders retrieved and the number of orders that you are currently viewing. The Page area displays the number of pages that were retrieved and the number of the page that you are currently viewing.
To go to a particular page, type the page number in the box and press Enter. You can also click the arrow buttons to go to the next or previous page, or to the beginning or end of the list (if applicable).
• To specify the number of orders to display on each page, click 5, 10, 50, 100, or All in the list in the navigation area.
• To collapse the list of standing orders for a client, click next to the client name. To expand the list again, click .
• For Companion Diagnostics standing orders, you can position the pointer over or to see the program name and national client number.
8 Do one or more of the following:
Find specific text
Press Ctrl+f. This activates your browser’s built-in search mechanism. Use the appropriate procedure for your browser to locate the desired text.
Note: If you retrieved multiple pages of orders, and you search for text that appears on a page that is not currently displayed, that text will not be found.
Sort the standing orders
Click any column heading except Actions. Clicking the column heading again reverses the sort order.
If you click the Patient Info column heading, the list is sorted by the patient’s last name. If you click the Physician column heading, it is sorted by the physician’s last name. If an order includes multiple tests or diagnoses, only the first one is used to sort the list.
Note: If the data for any client was collapsed, it is expanded again when you sort the standing orders.
Expire a particular standing order
a In the Actions column, click the Expire link next to the order.
Note: The Expire link appears only for active standing orders.
b When the confirmation message appears, click OK.
To prevent this message from appearing again, select the Do not ask me next time check box before you click OK. You can re-enable these messages via your user profile.
Expire multiple standing orders for a particular client
a If all of the appropriate standing orders do not appear on the page, click All in the list in the navigation area.
b In the bar that displays the client name, click Expire All.
Note: The Expire All button appears only if at least one of the client’s displayed standing orders is active. If the page displays orders for multiple clients, it is recommended that you work with only one client at a time.
c In the Actions column, click the Remove link next to each standing order that you do not want to expire.
d In the bar that displays the client name, click Expire.
e When the confirmation message appears, click OK.
To prevent this message from appearing again, select the Do not ask me next time check box before you click OK. You can re-enable these messages via your user profile.
Print a renewal letter for a particular standing order
a In the Actions column, click the Print link next to the order.
Note: The Print link appears only if an administrator enabled this feature for you.
b When you are prompted to open or save the file, take the appropriate action.
If you open the file, it appears in a separate Adobe Reader window.
c Use the appropriate procedure for your version of Adobe Reader to print the letter.
Print renewal letters for multiple standing orders for a particular client
a If all of the appropriate standing orders do not appear on the page, click All in the list in the navigation area.
b Do one of the following:
• To print multiple renewal letters for a particular client, click Print All in the bar that displays the client’s name.
• To print renewal letters for all clients that do not have a defined fax number, click Print All Non-Fax Clients at the top of the page.
• The Print All and Print All Non-Fax Clients buttons appear only if an administrator enabled this feature for you. In addition, the Print All Non-Fax Clients button is active only if at least one of the displayed clients does not have a defined fax number.
• If the page displays orders for multiple clients, it is recommended that you work with only one client at a time.
c In the Actions column, click the Remove link next to each standing order for which you do not want to print a renewal letter.
d In the bar that displays the client name, click Print.
e When you are prompted to open or save the file, take the appropriate action.
If you open the file, it appears in a separate Adobe Reader window. A single PDF file is created for all of the renewal letters.
f Use the appropriate procedure for your version of Adobe Reader to print the letters.
Fax a renewal letter
In the Actions column, click the Fax link next to the order.
Note: The Fax link appears only if an administrator enabled this feature for you, and only if the client has a fax number in eLabs.
Renew a standing order
a In the Actions column, click the Renew link next to the order.
Note: If an ICD-10 diagnosis code is required but was not previously included, a message appears. Click OK and edit the standing order (as described in Manage Standing Orders for a Specific Patient) to add an ICD-10 code. Then you can renew the order.
b If the new start date should be something other than today’s date, in the Start Date box, type the date when the first specimen should be collected.
Tip: To specify a future date, you can type t+ # (where # is the number of days after today). For example, type t+14 to specify the date 14 days from today.
Note: The start date cannot be more than 365 days in the future.
c In the Expiration Date box, type the date when the standing order should end.
Note: For non-Companion Diagnostics standing orders, the expiration date cannot be more than 186 days from the start date. For Companion Diagnostics standing orders, the expiration date cannot be longer than the maximum time frame defined for the specific program.
d Select the Queue Renewal Letter check box to have the standing order renewal letter automatically faxed to the client (if the lab and client support that feature), or clear that check box to not have the letter automatically faxed.
Even if you clear this check box, you might be able to manually print the letter or have it faxed to the client (if the client has a fax number in eLabs).
e In the Comment box, type any comment that you want to include.
Any comment that was specified when the standing order was created or edited appears automatically. This comment also appears in the requisition log, as well as on the master list that is used by mobile phlebotomists.
f Click Renew.
The standing order is updated to reflect the new start and expiration dates.
Export the displayed list of standing orders to an Excel spreadsheet
Note: You must have Excel installed; Excel Viewer is not supported.
a Click Export to Excel at the top of the list.
b When you are prompted to open or save the file, take the appropriate action.
Whether you open or save the file, a message displays the total number of standing orders included in the spreadsheet. If you retrieved standing orders for a particular facility, the message also displays the number of standing orders for each client.