Manage LTC Orders
1 In the menu bar, click Requisitions > Draw List.
Note: The Requisitions menu appears only if you can place orders with your current lab. |
2 If you want to limit the draw list to a specific client, in the Client list, click the client whose orders you want to manage.
This list includes only LTC clients for which ordering is enabled. If you do not choose a client, the draw list will include patients of
3 In the Date Range boxes, type the appropriate date in each box, or click the date on the calendar.
For example, to generate a draw list of patients who are scheduled to have a specimen collected today, you would type today’s date in both boxes. To generate a draw list for the entire week, you would type Monday’s date in the first box and Friday’s date in the second box.
Tip: You can use any of the following shortcuts to specify the date: • Type • Type • Type • Type |
All orders that match the specified criteria appear at the bottom of the page, sorted by the collection date and time.
5 Do one or more of the following: