Retrieve or Add a Patient
1 In the Patient Information area, do one or more of the following:
• Retrieve existing patient information. If
Note: Only patients of clients that support order entry can be retrieved. |
a Select or clear the Advanced Results check box.
If you clear this option, up to 15 matching search results will appear in the Patient Information area.
If you select this check box, it remains selected in the future. If you clear it, it remains cleared.
Note: If you have an active bridge and subsequently search for a patient ID, selecting or clearing this option has no effect; the Patient Search - Advanced Results dialog box does not appear. This option applies only if you search using the patient’s name or SSN. |
b In the Search By list, click the appropriate option.
c Do one of the following, based on your selection in the previous step:
• If you clicked Name
• If you clicked PID, type at least the first character of the patient ID in the adjacent box.
Notes: • When searching for a patient by name, you can optionally include a comma and at least the first letter of the patient’s first name (such as • If you type fewer than three characters of the patient ID, only exact matches will be retrieved. • If you have an active bridge and search by patient ID, you must type the complete patient ID. For some bridges, the patient ID is case sensitive. If your external system uses a separate identifier (such as a company number) to determine where to retrieve the patient data, you might have to type that identifier first, followed by a hyphen and the patient ID (such as company#-PID). |
d If applicable, to limit the scope of your search, type the patient’s date of birth in the DOB box.
f If the Combo Bridge Control dialog box appears, go to step h.
Otherwise, review the search results.
If you cleared the Advanced Results check box, the first 15 matching search results appear in the Patient Information area. This area displays the patient’s name, identification number, date of birth, and age. (If there are more than 15 matching search results, and the one you want is not listed, refine your search by typing more characters, and try again.)
Tips: • On the Patient Search - Advanced Results dialog box, you can control whether or not the search encompasses all of the clients that you can access at your current lab by selecting or clearing the Search All Clients check box. (If you select this check box, you might see the same patient multiple times, once for each client.) • To search for specific text • To sort the search results |
If no matching patients were found, a message advises you of this. If the information that you specified was incorrect (for example, if you clicked Name and then typed an identification number), search for the patient again using the correct information. Otherwise, add the patient (as described later in this procedure).
g Click the appropriate patient in the search results list.
If the patient appears in the Patient Information area, go to step 2.
If the Combo Bridge Control or Bridge Information dialog box appears, go to step h.
Note: If you retrieve a patient with an insurance carrier that must change based on the location of the client or facility, a message advises you of the change. |
Note: If a connection cannot be made to the external system, a message advises you of this. Click the Close link to close the Combo Bridge Control dialog box and then search for the patient without using the bridge, scan the patient’s driver’s license or other identification card, or add the patient (as described later in this procedure). |
For other types of bridges or searches, only the Bridge Information dialog box appears.
If patient information was retrieved, click OK on the Bridge Information dialog box. The information appears on the Order Entry page. Go to step 2.
Notes: • You can make changes on the Bridge Information dialog box, or you can change the information that is imported after you click OK. However, any changes are applied only to this order; no corresponding changes are made to the external system. • For certain types of bridges, a work telephone number can be retrieved from the external system. This number does not appear on the Bridge Information dialog box, but if it uses the correct format, it is added to the patient record when you click OK. • For certain types of bridges, an email address can be retrieved from the external system. It is validated when you click OK. If the email address does not use the correct format, you must change or delete it. • The NPI box appears only if the lab supports NPIs. If the external system sends anything other than ten digits, you must correct or delete the NPI before you click OK. • If the external system sends a surrogte UPIN, you must delete it or type a valid UPIN in order to import the information. • The carrier name that appears on the Bridge Information dialog box (if any) is typically converted to the name used for that carrier by eLabs. If this cannot be done, either the Insurance area on the Order Entry page will display the phrase Insurance Mapping DB (IMDB) and you can proceed with the order, or no insurance information will appear, and you must provide it (as described in Add or Edit Insurance Information). • Any information that is not supported is not imported. For example, if the lab does not support secondary insurance information, that data is not imported, even if it exists in the external system. • If you retrieve a patient via a bridge, that patient is saved in the |
If no patient information was retrieved, the Bridge Information dialog box might be blank or might display an error message. To try again to retrieve the patient information from the external system (for example, if you initially typed the wrong patient ID), make any appropriate changes and then click Bridge. Otherwise, click Cancel and search for the patient without using the bridge, or add the patient (as described later in this procedure).
• Scan the patient’s identification card. If the lab supports card scanning, and you have a card scanner and want to retrieve patient demographic information from an identification card with a magnetic strip (such as a driver’s license), follow these steps:
Notes: • If the lab does not support card scanning, the Scan ID button does not appear. • If the lab supports card scanning, |
a Click Scan ID.
b Swipe the patient’s identification card through the scanner.
If no information appears on the dialog box or if an error occurs, swipe the card again, making sure that the card is correctly positioned and swiped completely.
As soon as the data has been successfully read, the Patient Search - Advanced Results dialog box appears. If the data from the card matches one or more patient records in the system, a list of matching patients appears, along with the data from the card. (For the data from the card, the Client column displays Accept Scanned Patient Demographics.) If no matching records are found, only the data from the card appears. (The amount of available data varies, depending on the type of card swiped.)
c Do one of the following:
• To retrieve existing patient information, click the patient in the search results list.
• To add the patient using the information retrieved from the card, click the patient in the search results list. When the Edit Patient Information dialog box appears, type any required information that was not retrieved from the card, or correct any incorrect information, and then click OK.
The available demographic information appears in the Patient Information area.
Notes: • If you swiped a driver’s license, a unique number derived from the license number is used as the patient ID. You can change this later if you use the data retrieved from the card. • If you retrieve a patient with an insurance carrier that must change based on the location of the client or facility, a message advises you of the change. • To add the patient without using the information retrieved from the card, click Add New Patient and add the patient as described in the next section. |
a Click Add New Patient.
If you clicked Add New Patient after performing an unsuccessful search, the data that you provided appears automatically. For example, if you searched for a patient named Smith who was born on September 21, 1958 and then clicked Add New Patient, Smith appears automatically in the Last Name box and 09/21/1958 appears automatically in the DOB box.
b Complete at least the required patient demographic information.
Notes: • The displayed and required fields vary, depending on the • If you specify the patient’s SSN, a patient ID is not required. However, using a patient ID rather than the SSN is recommended. • The patient ID, if any, must be unique • If you do not provide an SSN or patient ID, a patient ID is generated automatically when you click OK. You can change the patient ID as appropriate. • To be able to manually generate a cumulative test results report for the patient, you must provide either an SSN or patient ID. For more information, see Generating a Cumulative Test Results Report. • You can type the zip code in either the City or Zip box and then press Tab to automatically complete the City, State, and Zip fields. • For some clients, a specific sex appears automatically. |
c Click OK.
Note: If the selected or added patient has Medicare and the physician on the order is not enrolled with PECOS, the system displays a message indicating that the order must be placed on hold or canceled. |
2 Verify that the patient demographic information is correct.
If you have confirmed that the displayed information represents the current patient but is not correct, click Edit, make any needed changes on the Edit Patient Information dialog box, and then click OK.
You can also click to clear the displayed patient information and start again. (This does not delete the patient record from the system.)
Notes: • If no SSN or patient ID appears, click Edit and provide either an SSN or patient ID. • If you change or remove the SSN or patient ID for a patient who has only one of those identifiers, a new patient record is created. If any pending orders were associated with the original patient record, they are kept with that record. • If a Health ID appears, you cannot change or remove it. • Under some circumstances, if you change an existing patient’s last name If you chose to file as a new patient, any existing SSN, patient ID, Health ID, or data in the Additional Information area is automatically removed. A new patient ID is generated automatically. This ID is derived from the patient’s date of birth, sex, and initials. If the automatically generated patient ID is already in use, it is appended with an incrementing number (such as 19580921FAP-01). You can change or remove the patient ID as appropriate. • If you change the client • If you retrieved an existing patient who has insurance, and that patient’s carrier is affiliated with a different lab, the lab with which you are placing the order might change. For more information, see step 6 in Add or Edit Insurance Information. • Any changes that you make to the patient demographics are automatically saved in the patient’s record when you complete the order. |
Whether or not these fields appear, are required, and persist (that is, whether or not the data appears automatically the next time you place an order for this patient) varies by client.
Note: The admission date cannot be more than 365 days in the past. |
Tip: You can use any of the following shortcuts to specify the admission date: • Type • Type • Type |
4 In the Order Details area, in the Lab Ref ID box, type any identifier that you want to use for the patient, order, or encounter.
You can always add a lab reference ID for a new patient or an existing patient who does not have one, but for some clients, you cannot change an existing lab reference ID.
Whether or not the lab reference ID persists (that is, appears automatically the next time you place an order for this patient) depends on the client
If the lab reference ID does not persist, and the order splits into two or more requisitions, the ID might appear on all of the requisitions or just one of them, depending on the client. (An order can split into multiple requisitions if the tests in the order have different transport temperatures, or if one or more tests is associated with a template.)
Note: If a lab reference ID is received programmatically, that ID will overwrite any ID that you specify. |
5 In the Bill Type list, click the party responsible for paying for the test (Client
Note: For hospital staff members, if the selected client supports the client bill type, Bill Type is automatically set to Client, no matter what the default bill type is for the client or retrieved patient. (Any insurance or guarantor information associated with a retrieved patient is retained in the patient record; the bill type is changed only for this order.) If the selected client does not support the client bill type, you must click an appropriate option in the list. If you change Bill Type to Insurance, any insurance information associated with the retrieved patient does not appear automatically; you must specify it manually later. |
6 If Bill Type is set to
For example, if the patient is the child of the guarantor or insurance holder, you would click Dependent.
Note: If Bill Type is set to Client, the Relation list does not appear. |
7 Depending on what is appropriate for this order, go to one or more of the following sections:
• Specify Standing Order Details
• Have Additional Copies of the Results Sent
• Add or Edit Insurance Information
• Add or Edit Guarantor Information
Notes: • You can have copies of the results sent to additional recipients only if the lab supports this feature. • If Bill Type is set to Insurance, insurance and guarantor information are required. • If Bill Type is set to Patient, guarantor information is required. (If Relation is set to Self, the patient demographic information is automatically used as the guarantor information.) |
If you do not have to complete any of those tasks, click Next and go to one of the following sections, depending on what is appropriate for this order:
• Verify Insurance Eligibility
Notes: • Eligibility verification occurs only if your user account was configured by an administrator to perform this action, the Bill Type is set to Insurance, and the patient’s primary or secondary carrier has provided eligibility data. • If the Bill Type is Insurance and eligibility verification occurs, a message will appear and you will not be able to continue if the insurance carrier is known to not pay for Quest Diagnostics testing. To continue, click Edit and change the Bill Type to • A diagnosis might be required, depending on the client or insurance carrier. |