Managing Standing Orders
After a standing order has been created, a specimen must be collected at the specified interval, and an instance of the standing order must be filed. This process is repeated until the end date occurs or the standing order is manually expired (canceled). You can file an instance of a standing order only by retrieving the patient using the Order Entry page.
In some cases, you might have to update a standing order—for example, to add or remove a diagnosis or test, start or stop reminders, or change the reminder method. You can edit a standing order only by retrieving the patient using the Order Entry page. Only standing orders that have not yet expired can be edited.
If a test no longer needs to be performed, the standing order can be expired at any time. You can expire one or more standing orders for a specific patient using the Order Entry page, or you can expire multiple standing orders for a specific client
If the lab supports this feature, you can also print standing order renewal letters.
If the test should continue to be performed after the original end date in the standing order, the standing order can be renewed. You can renew standing orders for a specific patient using the Order Entry page, or you can renew them for multiple patients of a specific client
Even after a standing order has expired (either because its end date has passed or because it was manually expired), you can typically renew it. This enables you to leverage all of the information about the order that already exists in the system. (An administrator determines how long expired standing orders continue to appear on the Patient Search - Advanced Results dialog box. You might be able to retrieve older expired standing orders via the Standing Order Management page.)
When you renew a standing order, you can specify only a new start and end date. If you need to change other aspects of the order (such as the frequency or tests to be performed), you must edit the standing order either before it expires or after you renew it. If the original standing order included a reminder, that reminder resumes when the order is renewed.
Notes: • Contracted phlebotomists cannot access the Standing Order Management page. For information about managing standing orders, see Manage Standing Orders for a Specific Patient. • For generic orders, the generic lab name and generic client ID appear below the patient demographic information on the Standing Order Management page. If you do not want to include generic orders on that page or on the Patient Search - Advanced Results dialog box, clear the Include Generic (Held, Scheduled, Standing) check box in your user profile. • For LTC clients, instances of standing orders can be filed only via the draw list. • If a particular Companion Diagnostics program is currently inactive, you cannot take any action with any previously created standing order for that program. • If you change the REMS ID for a Companion Diagnostics standing order, the new REMS ID will appear in the requisition log not only for the original standing order, but also for all previously filed instances of that standing order. In addition, the new REMS ID will appear on any reprinted requisition, and the requisition will not be not marked as edited. • Some labs do not support the capability to send reminders or print renewal letters. • For some labs and clients, standing order renewal letters can be automatically faxed to the client. This occurs only if the Queue Renewal Letter check box was selected when the standing order was created or edited by a Quest Diagnostics or contracted phlebotomist. • When you open a standing order containing invalid order codes, a message appears at the top of the Order Entry page listing the invalid codes. • You can edit, expire, and renew standing orders and print renewal letters only for your assigned labs. You cannot perform these tasks for redirected orders, nationwide orders, or Companion Diagnostics standing orders associated with labs that are not assigned to you. • If standing orders exist for a patient whose carrier is subsequently configured by an administrator to use a different lab, those existing standing orders will not be accessible. The patient’s existing standing orders cannot be filed, edited, or expired, and should not be renewed. |
Retrieving National Pending Orders QuickStart
Manage Standing Orders for a Specific Patient