a To add a favorite carrier, type at least two characters of the carrier’s name, and then click Search.
To add a favorite diagnosis or test, type at least two characters of the diagnosis name, ICD code, test name, or order code, and then click Search. By default, the system will search for the specified text only until an exact match is found. (For example, if you type C85
, the search stops as soon as code C85 is found, and only that code appears in the search results.) To see a list of all of the matching items even if an exact match is found, include an asterisk (*) in the code or name. For example, to find all codes that begin with C85 (such as C851, C8510, C8511, etc), you could type C85*
. To find all diagnosis codes that end with 85 (such as A185, A1885, A3685, etc), you could type *85.
A list of up to 15 matching items appears. If more than 15 matching items were found, click More to see the additional ones, or type more characters and then click Search again.
• To add a diagnosis or test that appears in the Client Favorites group to a new or existing group, click the Client Favorites group and go to step b.
• When adding diagnoses, keep the following in mind:
If a listed diagnosis requires a higher degree of specificity, the diagnosis appears in red, and appears instead of a check box. Your favorite diagnoses can include a code that requires a higher degree of specificity, but you will be prompted to select a more specific diagnosis each time you place an order using that code.
In addition, when you view the group of favorites via streamlined order entry, all of the related codes appear in the list rather than the code that requires higher specificity. For example, if you add the diagnosis code 487 to a group, that code would not appear. Instead, the more specific codes 4870, 4871, and 4878 would appear, and the code that requires a higher degree of specificity (such as 487*) would appear in parentheses after the diagnosis description.
• When adding tests, keep the following in mind:
• If the lab does not support searching by aliases, only handwritten order translations are included in the search results.
• If you typed an order code or custom panel code that the specified client is not allowed to use, that code will not appear in the search results.
• If you type a custom profile description, or a partial custom profile code, or use an asterisk with a custom profile description or code, the profile will not be found. You must type the complete custom profile code.
• If the patient uses a generic carrier, and the associated generic lab does not use a standard compendium of tests, you must add the test to the system before you can add it to your favorites.
• If you retrieved a Medicare patient, you cannot add a non-conforming order code to your favorites. If the retrieved patient does not use Medicare, you can add a non-conforming order code to your favorites, but you will not be able to use that order code with a Medicare patient.
• When adding carriers, keep the following in mind:
• You might be able to search by key words such as the carrier’s mnemonic, address, or other terms.
• The search results do not include generic or custom carriers. To add a generic or custom carrier to your favorites, see Manage Favorites via Setup.
• If the carrier does not exist in the system, you might be able to request a custom carrier.
b Click next to the item that you want to add to your favorites, and then do one of the following:
Note: The menu icon does not appear next to written diagnoses. Those cannot be added as favorites.
• To add the favorite to an existing group, position the pointer over Add to Existing Tab and then click the appropriate group. If no groups exist, No Tabs Defined appears instead; use the following procedure to add a new group.
• You cannot add any diagnoses or tests to the Client Favorites group. The 15 most frequently used diagnoses or tests appear there automatically
• You cannot add any tests to the Companion Program group.
• To add the favorite to a new group, click Add to New Tab, type a name for the group, and then click Save.
• To add a diagnosis to the patient, click Add to This Patient. The diagnosis is added to the Patient Specific group.
Note: You can add a diagnosis to a patient only if that patient already exists in eLabs (that is, if the patient was previously registered or if an order was previously placed for the patient).