Manage Standing Orders for a Specific Patient via Legacy Order Entry
1 In the menu bar, click Order Entry.
Note: The Order Entry menu appears only if you can place orders with your current lab. |
If the streamlined Order Entry page appears, click the Go to Legacy Order Entry link at the bottom of the page. If that link does not appear, see Manage Standing Orders for a Specific Patient via Streamlined Order Entry.
2 If the Client box does not display the appropriate client, specify the desired one.
For more information, see Initiate an Order.
Note: You can access generic standing orders only if the Include Generic (Held, Scheduled, Standing) check box is selected in your user profile. |
• Display the list of all pending orders for a specific patient.
For more information about the displayed pending orders, see Working with the Patient Search - Advanced Results Dialog Box.
• Display the list of all standing orders for a specific patient and client. Retrieve the patient (as described in Retrieve or Add a Patient) and click the View Standing Orders link in the Patient Information area.
All standing orders associated with the specified patient and client appear on the Standing Orders dialog box. If more than one standing order exists, you can browse from one order to the next by clicking the arrows at the top of the dialog box.
• If an instance of the standing order has already been filed within the specified interval, the phrase early appears in the Status area. You can file an instance of this standing order, but you must provide the reason for doing so. • If a standing order contains an order code that is no longer valid (for example, if the lab no longer performs a particular test, or if the client is no longer allowed to order that test), the phrase (inactive) appears in red after the test name. You cannot file an order that contains an invalid order code, and you should not renew it. • If or appears in the Status area, you can position the pointer over that symbol to see the Companion Diagnostics program name and national client number. |
Note: If appears for a particular patient on the Patient Search - Advanced Results dialog box, clicking the select or edit icon under the Action column might automatically change the lab and client to the appropriate ones, and you will not be able to use accessioning. |