Placing an Order

The Order Entry page enables you to file a complete lab order, put an order on hold, schedule an order for the future, or create a standing order that is repeated on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The information that you are prompted to provide varies, depending on the selections that you make during the order entry process. You cannot file the order until you provide all of the required information. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

To help you complete the order, certain fields are followed by . When you click this icon, help related to that field appears in a separate pop-up window. To close that window, click .

To view a demonstration of order entry, click in the upper-right corner of the page. (If your lab does not support this feature, this icon does not appear.) This demonstration is targeted toward physicians, but can be useful to Quest Diagnostics and contracted phlebotomists as well.

You can cancel an order at any time by clicking Cancel at the top of the page.

Note: You can also use this page to add, edit, or delete patient demographic information. For more information, see Managing Patient Information.

Check-In Queue

If you are a PSC employee or in-office phlebotomist (IOP) user and your facility has a Check-In kiosk, you will be presented with a patient queue rather than the Order Entry page. This streamlines the order entry process by automatically searching for the patient based on information from the queue, as well as automatically populating the patient arrival time and visit type, if applicable.

When you initiate an order from the Check-In Queue, clicking Cancel on the Order Entry page or Patient Search - Advanced Results dialog box, or completing the order, returns you to the patient queue. To indicate that you have finished with the patient, you must click Done on the Check-In Queue page.

Caution! If eLabs does not receive a regular signal from the Check-In kiosk (iPad) or MOOD display (television) within a specified timeframe, a message appears at the top of the Check-In Queue to inform you of the issue. The message contains the name of the device, as well a link to view troubleshooting information. If you follow the troubleshooting steps and the issue is not fixed, click the link that appears within the message to open a support ticket directly with the IT Service Desk.

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